Pidgin (formally Gaim) is an amazing IM client. There was one small thing that used to bug the shit out of me though.

A handy feature on the buddy list, is the ability to merge multiple screen names into one contact. The bug I’m talking about, prevents you from manually specifying which screen name you want at the top of the contact list — IE: the account you want to IM to if you click on the contact name and he is signed on with more than one account.

The bug is documented better on their tracker. I’m really only putting this here so I can find it later.

On Linux: Open ~/.purple/prefs.xml and change the status score for idle to 0.

On Windows: Open C:\Documents and Settings<YOUR WIN USERNAME>\Application Data\.purple\prefs.xml and change the status score for idle to 0.

Just a “workaround” I guess, but works like a charm.

Update 12/10/07: This bug has been resolved in the current version of Pidgin.