So I learned yet another awesome feature in vim today - code folding.

For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, code folding lets you shrink the contents of multiple lines of code into 1 line. A lot of the better code editors out there do it, like Dreamweaver and ZendStudio. It’s a handy feature when you have scripts with hundreds of lines of code.

There are several ways you can fold a portion of code in vim. You could type 10:fold for instance, and the 10 lines under the cursor would be folded. You could also specify the start and end lines manually with :[start line],[end line]fold

An easy way I saw to do this, is to use Shift+V in command mode. This will let you highlight lines of code. So it’s as simple as pressing Shift+V then the down arrow until you’ve highlighted a section of code. Then you can press zf to fold (or type in :fold).

Cool right? There’s one more thing I did to keep these folds from session to session - normally folds will disappear after you close vim unless you create what is called a view. I found a page on that explains how to do this automatically. Just add these lines into your ~/.vimrc file:

autocmd BufWinLeave *.* mkview
autocmd BufWinEnter *.* silent loadview

This will save your folds when you exit a document and load them when you open it.

Happy folding!