I recently wrote a git alias to open a repo in your web browser.

Why not just install hub and use hub browse I hear you ask? Well, because browse is the only feature of hub I actually used, and it only works on GitHub repos. This one doesn’t wrap the git executable, and works outside of GitHub.

This assumes that the URLs for both git and web are the same (except for the git parts). Eg:

Git: git@github.com:itspriddle/dotfiles.git
Web: http://github.com/itspriddle/dotfiles

Git: git://example.com/scripts/hacks.git
Web: http://example.com/scripts/hacks

Git: http://example.com/private/ninja-training.git
Web: http://example.com/private/ninja-training

Add the following to ~/.gitconfig under the [alias] section (or create it if you haven’t created any aliases):

browse  = !open $( \
  echo \"`git config remote.origin.url`\" | \
  ruby -e \"url = ARGF.read\" \
       -e \"url.sub!(/^(git\\:\\/\\/|git@|http\\:\\/\\/|https\\:\\/\\/)/, '')\" \
       -e \"url.sub!(':', '/')\" \
       -e \"url.sub!(/\\.git\\$/, '')\" \
       -e \"print 'http://' + url\" \

Run git browse from your repo and watch in awe as it opens in your web browser.

It’s admittedly a bit fragile, but has worked on all of the repositories that I work with regularly. Feel free to fork it if you have improvements.

This will only work for OS X, but you should be able to get it working on Linux with something like gnome-open.