I maintain a small Homebrew tap for projects I work on at Site5, homebrew-site5. I came across a “meta” brew in Josh Peek’s homebrew-github Homebrew tap that allows you to install multiple dependencies with a single command. I adapted it for my own needs at Site5 and it has worked great.

Basically, you create a Homebrew Formula with depends_on for each dependency you need, and then make the installation a no-op:

require "formula"

class Site5Devel < Formula
  url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/itspriddle/homebrew-site5/master/Formula/site5-devel.rb"
  version "HEAD"

  option "with-mysql",      "Install MySQL server"
  option "with-postgresql", "Install PostgreSQL server"

  # Rails apps
  depends_on "dwdiff"
  depends_on "imagemagick"
  depends_on "phantomjs"
  depends_on "pow"
  depends_on "redis"

  # Databases (optional)
  depends_on "mysql"      if build.with? "mysql"
  depends_on "postgresql" if build.with? "postgresql"

  # Utilities
  depends_on "gist"
  depends_on "git"
  depends_on "gnupg"
  depends_on "vim"
  depends_on "ruby-install"
  depends_on "the_silver_searcher"
  depends_on "tree"
  depends_on "vnstat"
  depends_on "wget"
  depends_on "hub"
  depends_on "rename"

  # Noop
  def install; end

Now when I need to bootstrap a new machine, I can simply run brew install itspriddle/site5/site5-devel and all of the dependencies I need are installed.