Here’s how I configured launchd to run WordPress via PHP’s Built-in web server on OS X.

Why? I primarily use Ruby and already have a (non-PHP) web server setup on port 80. Instead of installing Apache or Nginx when I periodically need a WordPress site running, php -S can be used. But it’s a pain to remember to turn on.

I hacked together this launchd.plist file to keep the server running:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">



These lines specify the directory to a a custom php.ini file. If you have one, replace /Users/priddle/.dotfiles/src/php with the directory it is in; eg: for /Users/priddle/.dotfiles/src/php/php.ini, specify /Users/priddle/.dotfiles/src/php. If you do not have a custom php.ini, delete these lines.


This line specifies the hostname and port. You can change them if you want and know what you are doing. I’d suggest just leaving localhost, and change the port if you already have something running on 9000 or you want a different number.


This line specifies the path to your WordPress install. You must change this, unless your login name happens to be priddle and your blog happens to be at ~/work/wordpress-playground/public. Note that it must be replaced twice, once below <string>-t</string> and again below <key>WorkingDirectory</key>.


These lines specify the log path for STDOUT and STDERR. Any output from a standard php -S localhost:9000 -t <dir> is written to this file. In addition, if you enable WP_DEBUG, anything logged with error_log() will be written here as well.

Save your edited file to ~/Library/net.nevercraft.wordpress-playground.plist.

To enable:

launchctl load ~/Library/net.nevercraft.wordpress-playground.plist

To disable:

launchctl unload ~/Library/net.nevercraft.wordpress-playground.plist

To view the logs:

tail -f ~/Library/Logs/wordpress-playground.log

To totally uninstall:

launchctl unload ~/Library/net.nevercraft.wordpress-playground.plist
rm -f ~/Library/net.nevercraft.wordpress-playground.plist