“Never memorize something that you can look up.” — Albert Einstein. Some stupid things I never memorized and had to look up.

  • PGP/Keybase usage. Every. Single. Time.
  • Timestamp formats every time I need one (*nix date, PHP’s date(), Ruby’s Time#strftime).
  • Rails has_one vs belongs_to to see which gets the ID.
  • Rails has_and_belongs_to_many almost every time.
  • Ruby’s Hash.new block syntax. And in almost every case I’ve tried using it the code was changed before shipping and it was removed.
  • CSS rules with 3 values, eg padding: 10px 5px 20px.
  • The argument order for PHP functions like join(), explode(), array_key_exists().
  • Weather [sic :trollface:] I should use “its” or “it’s” in a sentence.
  • The argument order for Ruby’s Enumerable#inject.
  • Documentation links for API vendors that make it impossible to find from their own sites.
  • The arguments I want for rsync.