I finally got around to setting up SSL with Let’s Encrypt on my Emby instance.

I use acme.sh for managing my Let’s Encrypt certificates. It’s a simple shell script that Just Works™. I use DigitalOcean for my DNS on my main network domain, priddle.network. acme.sh supports DigitalOcean DNS out of the box.

Emby’s SSL setup is a little different than a traditional web server like Nginx. Namely, you use a .pfx file instead of a .crt and .key pair. I suppose this isn’t that uncommon, since again, acme.sh supports it out of the box.

A lot of setups recommend using Nginx as a reverse proxy to you regular Emby host—which would be http://emby.priddle.network:8096 in my case. I tried this with Plex a while back and it was a pain. You have to setup a lot of different things to make websockets work correctly.

Emby (and Plex, which I’ve obviously moved away from) has a built-in SSL support. You can just point it to your .pfx file and it works. Infuse and my other clients work perfectly.

Since I’ll have the certs, I can also setup http://emby.priddle.network and https://emby.priddle.network (without ports) to redirect to the Emby server running on SSL. We’ll get back to that in a bit.

First, install acme.sh. They recommend running it as root, so I’ll do that.

sudo -i
curl https://get.acme.sh | sh -s email=ssl@example.com

I like getting notifications when my certs renew. I use Slack for this. For simplicity, I just used a webhook URL. acme.sh also supports this out of the box.

export SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL="https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
acme.sh --set-notify --notify-hook slack

We need a directory to store the certs that Emby and Nginx will use. Create it with:

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/ssl/emby.priddle.network/

We’ll need a script to generate the .pfx file from the Let’s Encrypt certs. It’ll also need to restart Emby and Nginx. Save it as /root/reload-emby.sh:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e

/root/.acme.sh/acme.sh \
  --to-pkcs12 \
  --password 'real-password' \
  --domain emby.priddle.network

cp /root/.acme.sh/emby.priddle.network_ecc/emby.priddle.network.pfx \

chmod 644 /usr/local/etc/ssl/emby.priddle.network/emby.priddle.network.pfx

systemctl restart emby-server.service
nginx -s reload

Don’t run this script yet. It’ll be run automatically by acme.sh when we get the certs.

Make sure to replace real-password with a real password. This is the password that Emby will use to decrypt the .pfx file. You also need to chmod +x /root/reload-emby.sh so acme.sh can run it.

Next, let’s enable SSL on Emby. Go to http://emby.local:8096/web/index.html#!/network and make sure to enable “Allow remote connections to this Emby Server.” Enter your domain name (i.e emby.priddle.network) in “External domain” and set the “Custom ssl certificate path” to /usr/local/etc/ssl/emby.priddle.network/emby.priddle.network.pfx. Enter the certificate password (i.e. “real-password”). Save these settings, but don’t restart Emby. We’ll do that when we get the certs.

Let’s hop over to Nginx and set that up. For me, I’m only using Nginx on my Ember server to redirect to the real Emby URLs, so I just replaced everything in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default with:

server {
  listen 80;

  server_name _;

  return 301 https://$host:8920$request_uri;

server {
  listen 443 ssl;

  server_name _;

  ssl_certificate         /usr/local/etc/ssl/emby.priddle.network/emby.priddle.network.cert.pem;
  ssl_certificate_key     /usr/local/etc/ssl/emby.priddle.network/emby.priddle.network.key.pem;
  ssl_trusted_certificate /usr/local/etc/ssl/emby.priddle.network/emby.priddle.network.fullchain.pem;

  return 301 https://$host:8920$request_uri;

I also dropped this in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf in the http { ... } block:

http {
  # ^ other stuff that was already there

  # Disable server tokens (i.e. Nginx) in response headers
  server_tokens off;

  # SSL session settings
  ssl_session_timeout    1d;
  ssl_session_cache      shared:SSL:10m;
  ssl_session_tickets    off;
  # Diffie-Hellman parameter for DHE ciphersuites
  ssl_dhparam            /etc/nginx/dhparam.pem;
  # Mozilla Intermediate configuration
  ssl_protocols          TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
  # OCSP Stapling
  ssl_stapling           on;
  ssl_stapling_verify    on;
  resolver      valid=60s;
  resolver_timeout       2s;

On my system, I had to create /etc/nginx/dhparam.pem with:

sudo openssl dhparam -out /etc/nginx/dhparam.pem 2048

Test the Nginx config with:

sudo nginx -t

Now we’re ready to create the certs. See https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/wiki/dnsapi for info on different DNS providers. I’m using DigitalOcean, so I’ll set the DO_API_KEY environment variable to my DigitalOcean API key.

export DO_API_KEY="key"

Next, issue the certs:

acme.sh --issue --dns dns_dgon -d emby.priddle.network

Install the certs:

acme.sh --install-cert -d emby.priddle.network \
  --cert-file /usr/local/etc/ssl/emby.priddle.network/emby.priddle.network.cert.pem \
  --key-file /usr/local/etc/ssl/emby.priddle.network/emby.priddle.network.key.pem \
  --fullchain-file /usr/local/etc/ssl/emby.priddle.network/emby.priddle.network.fullchain.pem \
  --reloadcmd '/root/reload-emby-ssl.sh'

If everything worked, you should see the certs in /usr/local/etc/ssl/emby.priddle.network/. The reloadcmd will have run /root/reload-emby.sh after the certs were generated. Emby should have restarted and Nginx should have reloaded.

To test run the following curl commands:

curl -vs https://emby.priddle.network 2>&1 | grep Location
curl -vs http://emby.priddle.network 2>&1 | grep Location
curl -vs https://emby.priddle.network:8920 2>&1 | grep 'private-network-access-name'

And you should see something like:

< Location: https://emby.priddle.network:8920/
< Location: https://emby.priddle.network:8920/
< private-network-access-name: Media Server

Give it a try in your web browser to make sure everything worked.

Finally, you can test everything fully with:

acme.sh --cron --force