I just discovered Marked today. It adds one of the few things I still miss from TextMate to vim, a live preview window for markdown.
Why Jekyll pwns WordPress
It was just about two years ago that I converted my WordPress blog into a Jekyll blog. Overall, I am very happy with the decision, here’s why.
CSS Font Stack
Eric sent me this a while back - a very useful site for choosing fonts for multiple operating systems.
More CSS3 generators
This is a great page that handles generating CSS for a wide range of techniques.
CSS Gradient Generator
I found this excellent CSS gradient generator a while back. Very useful for playing around with CSS3 background.
Rainman is a very good driver
@jmazzi and I released Rainman, a Ruby implementation of the abstract factory pattern. Check it out!
Jekyll and Vim
I’ve been using Vim full time for a while now and wanted a decent way to manage blog posts in my Github Pages powered blog.
2011 Retrospective
The year is coming to a close, so I thought it would be a good time to reflect at some of the projects I’ve worked on in 2011.
Six Months at Site5
I can’t believe it’s already been six months since I joined the engineering crew at Site5. I’ve been having a blast!
On Perfection
This quote from Bleach sums up my thoughts on perfection pretty well: