90s cursor effects
I saw this list of 90s cursor effects posted on Hacker News today.
The seventy thousand
The Biden administration announced their student debt relief program this week. Of course there are a lot of opinions on this, ranging from literal tears of relief to outright rage over liberals getting another handout. I’m one of those people who penny pinched for years to pay my loans off and I think this is a great idea. Strap in for a story.
rsync compression is slow afterall
I tested compression in rsync on a big file and, no surprise, it’s pretty slow (about 9x slower).
Linux Sticky Bandits (the sticky bit and friends)
I always have to look up how to apply sticky bit/suid/sgid, so I am bookmarking it here for future reference.
Heroku killing free accounts
Heroku today, “we will be phasing out our free plan for Heroku Dynos, free plan for Heroku Postgres, and free plan for Heroku Data for Redis®, as well as deleting inactive accounts.”
Accounting for Developers
I saw Accounting for Developers today (and part 2, along with the HN comments). Saving it here so maybe I’ll read it later and understand some of the jargon our Controller throws out in meetings 🤣
Signing git commits with SSH keys
GitHub announced today that they have added support for signing commits and tags with SSH keys. Here’s how I set it up on my Mac.
airport cli
Shelby shared airport cli, a CLI for AirPort express wireless on macOS. Blogging it so I remember to check it out sometime 😀
The LackRack was mentioned on Hacker News today. tl;dr: a cheap Ikea table might make a decent little 19” network rack.
Someone compiled a _why museum. One of my biggest Ruby “regrets” was that I got into it just as _why was on his way out. I hope he’s still teaching people in the shadows.