My recipe site
In October 2020 I set about getting my assortment of recipes online in Markdown format. tl;dr checkout, this sauce, and that sauce.
Vim Tips: Writing ASCII lines quickly
I sometimes need to write an ASCII line (hr) quickly, like ----------
, here
are two ways I do it in Vim.
Shell Tricks: Better Bash debug
Toss the following snippet at the top of any Bash script and run with
to automatically activate set -x
and print its output via $PS4
I saw Micropub in iA Writer’s publish settings today and had never heard of it. tl;dr I think I can use it and a small Heroku app to publish to this site from iA Writer on my phone 🤔
Updated permalinks
Updated my permalinks. No one cares, but I wanted to mention it so I remember when I did it 😀
Obsidian Nirvana
I really need to do a proper project/post on my Obsidian setup, but I think I’ve finally reached planning nirvana.
Simple PHP/SMTP mail script
I needed a quick ‘n dirty script to test outgoing SMTP email via PHP and found php-smtp.
Pure bash markdown table generator
I wanted a portable markdown table generator a few months back and threw
together markdown-table
Merging git repos with git-filter-repo
I needed to merge multiple git repos into a single one using subdirectories,
while preserving the history. I have used git filter-branch
in the past
to do the inverse. Searching around, I found git-filter-repo which made
it a snap.
Dump events to JSON
I wanted a way to dump events to JSON. I came across icalBuddy, which can dump your events to text. I threw together the following bash/jq script to convert icalBuddy output to JSON.