FTBS… I’m getting a Mac

I’ve decided that I am going to purchase a Mac Mini with my tax refund. I am sick of Windows on my old laptop, and Fireworks in Wine is slow as death. The Mac will give me the tastiness of Fireworks with the stability of Unix. I can’t wait.

Asterisk on Ubuntu Server

I know I’ve blogged this before, but these are the steps I took most recently to get Asterisk running on a fresh Ubuntu Server (Dapper) installation. The instructions will also work on Feisty or Gutsy server.

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Stuff I need to do

  1. Create something for any (preferably all) of the following sites I pay for: nevercraft.net, voipninja.net, movierack.net, mp3dojo.net, tehsource.net
  2. Use Ruby On Rails for one of the aforementioned projects.
  3. Learn OpenSER and setup a server for no reason other than to say I could.
  4. Find a car.
  5. Re-assess priorities, and find a car first.
  6. Purchase a new computer
  7. Complete my tax return.
  8. Go to sleep earlier.

Oh, how I love you Kate…

The KDE text editor Kate is my latest weapon. Its great if you’re on a slower connection (or you’re torrenting and killing a faster one) as it downloads the file to your hard drive before you edit it. I love me some vim - but it is no fun on a slow connection, waiting 30 seconds to move between lines.

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New Development(s)

Well, I’ve just finished building my first site with CodeIgniter, and I have to say it was an absolute blast. The framework is wonderfull. Using it, I was able to completely redesign Inglenook Realty in about 3 weeks with leaner, more sensible code than I had implemented previously. Granted, there is about twice as much code now as there was previously, but everything works perfectly now - and I won’t need to scrap the whole thing again if the owners want more revisions down the road. Thank you CI!

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