My bin: headers
One of my most used scripts, I snagged of GitHub way back in 2010: headers
New computer
I went 🐷 mode for my latest computer, an M2 Pro Mac mini.
Universal Control on macOS
Universal Control on macOS is awesome!
I Will Fucking Dropkick You If You Use That Spreadsheet
A coworker sent this to me today so I could send it back when she sent me a spreadsheet. Blogging so I remember it later on.
Apple Studio Display First Impressions
I’ve had my eye on the Apple Studio Display for a while now. I finally picked one up today. First impressions…
How I do my first commit for a new project
Git isn’t super friendly when you are creating a new project, especially on a team. A simple way to work around this is using an empty commit.
Star Wars in telnet or bash
An oldie but a goodie I had to look up today—the entirety of Star Wars Episode IV is available via telnet.
Git commands you do not need
I saw this post of Git commands you do not need on Hacker News today (comments). Lots of juicy stuff in there to read about later.
Get a random devops_borat or sadserver tweet in Obsidian
I threw together a quick templater script to print random quotes in my Obsidian daily notes.
Get week number via CLI
If you need to get a week number via CLI, here’s a script that does just that.