tar over ssh
I figured out this easy way to make a backup over ssh.
Rock the Bells 2007 at Randall’s Island
Or, more specifically, Rage Against the Machine at Rock the Bells was the best concert I have had the privilege of attending — period.
Vim 7 on a Shared Host
I did this about 8 months ago and never wrote down my steps. I just had to figure it out again for another server, and thought I’d write it down here to save myself (and possibly someone else) time.
I love/hate KDE
I haven’t been much of a KDE fan. 2 years ago when I was first exposed to Linux in my Operating Systems class at ITT, I liked the layout a bit better that Gnome, but really knew nothing about it.
Linux finally sounds good
Wow, I finally got surround working on Linux — and it’s great.
Good times with rar
So I decided today I was going to make a DVD backup of my music collection. I also decided I was going to use rar to do this.
ITT Really Sucks
I really need to learn to do my homework in a more timely fashion. I need to learn to go to class and pay attention.
Pidgin/Gaim Contacts
Pidgin (formally Gaim) is an amazing IM client. There was one small thing that used to bug the shit out of me though.
New Motherboard
So I broke down about 2 weeks ago and picked up a new motherboard for my PC. It’s an ECS — which I’ve never heard of either - but I have to say I’ve definitely been pleasantly surprised by the performance.
Linux - unzip
I just had a hell of a time trying to unzip a bunch of zip’s on Linux.